Updates include:
- New[er] world map - - - It's interesting how much progress you can see by simply looking at how the world map has evolved. Idavoll has become a much more complex world representing a much larger and realistic environment.
Then, changing to RPG VX...
Then to a much more realistic version...
Aside from the larger world, we also have other new elements to consider.
- Two new additions to the eventual Iravelon series - Variance of Fates and Essence of Eternity.
- The introduction of REMIX, a side project I am working on.
- EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK: I have also begun another side project called D.R.T.B. What does it stand for? You'll just have to wait and see. :D
Most of this you would already know if you visited my site, so make sure you check iravelon.com often!